Sunday, September 28, 2008

Meeting with our Doula

We met with our Doula, Kelly on Thursday. I have been chatting with her online, and we met her previously at a seminar on 'Preventing the preventable caesarian'.

I get along well with her and she has a good understanding of what I want from this birth. She and our OB have also worked together before, and both recommend each other. This makes me feel more comfortable in that we all have the same goal in mind and will be working for me rather than ignoring or undermining me.

The key benefit of a doula, for us, is that we'll have someone who is knowledgeable/experienced in birthing, with us for the whole labour. (What 'traditional' midwives do, as opposed to the in-hospital 'obstetric nurse' midwives who work on shifts - which is fair enough). If I had a doula last time I think that she would have picked up that VV was posterior (she showed all the classic signs) and would have made suggestions so that VV may have perhaps turned. That, in turn, may have prevented her C/S. Again... all just 'perhaps'es there, but we think it certainly isn't going to hurt and could in fact help a lot.

A few interesting stats about VBAC. In Australia (I think), the rate of a caesarian scar rupturing at some point during the pregnancy is 0.2%. During birth, it doubles, but that still makes it only 0.4%. I am happy taking on that very small risk, seeing how the risks involved with actually having a C/S are much higher, and our OB is so supportive. In fact, when we first met our OB, she said "So you're going for a VBAC then?.... Because I'm not interested in taking you on if you want a C/S".

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Meeting some freshies

Today we did a bit of visiting to friends who have just had babies. First up we went to visit Dean, Kylie and Spencer who welcomed baby Sienna last Sunday. Genevieve kindly opened her present for her and tried to get her to play with the toy (which was a bit beyond a 6 day old). She was very gentle and patted her dark hair (we're not sure where that came from!)

Then we went to visit Kellie, Erich, Jamie, Joshua & baby Eliza. Genevieve was more interested in playing with the big boys but did give Eliza a kiss which was cute. Both of the babies are gorgeous and doing very well.

Another OB Visit

We had another visit with Nicola yesterday just to make sure everything is going along as it should be. We had a quick chat about how I was feeling which was pretty uneventful. I told her that although I know I am getting bigger and putting on weight I still can't feel very much and sometimes wonder if I actually am pregnant. So she said "let's go and have a look at the baby then".

We went into the room with the mini ultrasound and we saw bubs wriggling around like mad. It was being very uncooperative when it came to taking a photo! It kept putting its arm over its face and not going into profile. So I have to wait 3 weeks for my big scan to get another pic. Genevieve was with us and was very excited to see the baby on the "television".

All last week she was convinced she was having a sister but today she has changed her mind and now thinks she is having a brother. Hopefully the one that she wants at the time of arrival is what comes out!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I know we aren't having any luck on the name front...

...but we didn't feel the need to buy this.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I booked my scan today and it is on Oct 9th so that's 4 weeks away. I will be 20w4d by then. The place wouldn't do it any earlier than 19 weeks so that was the earliest I could do. Fortunately I have an OB appt and meeting with my doula in between now and the scan otherwise I think the wait would be too long.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Following Kellie and Erich's little one, we've got a few friends due quite soon. Including a number of my mates being first-time fathers.

I'm thinking about how things are different the second time around. You know a lot more, and you also have a much better idea of what to expect. However, I'm thinking I'm going to start pulling the finger out, so I don't rely on what I remember. That could stuff me up big time.

Firstly, I could remember incorrectly, as can frequently happen.

Secondly, every pregnancy birth is different. (Hopefully this one will be, as we're gunning for the natural birth or VBAC* as the cool kids call it).

But, in the meantime, Genevieve is really hitting her stride in the 2.5 yr old stakes. Oh well... lets see if we survive hey?

*Vaginal Birth After Caesarian.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I went to see Kellie and her new little baby Eliza on Thursday in the hospital. As soon as I picked Eliza up for a hold BB#2 flipped out - literally! I had little fluttery movements as if to say "hey I'm in here!!" It was pretty weird but funny at the same time.