Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nearly full term

37 weeks tomorrow here so we will be considered full term from then on and BB#2 can arrive any time from then on.

I was trying to will myself to go into labour earlier this week so that I would be in hospital for the once in a hundred year heatwave unfortunately that didn't happen and I have been laying low for the last few days which have been over 43 degrees!

I did get out on Thursday though to get some acupuncture done which was awesome. He did some points to stop my back ache, hip ache, heartburn and reflux. He also worked on my scar tissue from my caesarian to help release that and finally some to help ripen the cervix. I haven't been as achy since so it did some good. I have also been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks so hopefully things are getting ready.

I also got some herbs to drink - only once a week but I have been too chicken to drink them yet as apparently they are pretty ghastly. I will do that today....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

And their bedroom?

Genevieve was a little miffed that the cradle went in our room... so we thought we'd better do the right thing, and set up the cot, ready for when the new one goes in there.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bedroom rearranged

The bed has been swung around 90 degrees, to allow a nice wide space next to it for BB2's cradle. Works well - but we knew that, from last time.

I think the newborns around us are starting to influence

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Studio shot

Our photographer at work wanted a few pix of pregnant bellies, just to put into their media collection, so Naomi was only too happy to help out. (And it meant we got some family shots too!)

Monday, January 19, 2009

And the cradle/bassinet goes back together

Eeyup - it's getting close now...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What we don't need

We don't need hats. (33 at last count).

We don't need any clothes for a girl, from size 000 to size 0.

We don't need any muslin wraps, or blankets.

We don't need any soft toys.

We don't need any 'onezies' in 000 at all... by ANY stretch of the imagination.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

34 weeks

We had another visit to Nicola on Friday and she is very happy with how I am doing - very boring apparently which is good. Bubs is head down and looks like starting to engage so doing all the right things. She said again that it isn't a big baby and my blood pressure was all good. Genevieve loves helping our taking my blood pressure and finding the heartbeat (approx 140bpm this visit for bubs)

After our appointment we went for a tour of the hospital so I know where to go and what to do when things do start to happen so that was good. As we missed out on the group tours we got a personal one from the CEO. He showed us where we need to go and how to access the carpark etc. The birth suites are very big and have enormous baths in them - I hope I get to try one out! It's very close to home which is great - I could almost see how house from one of the windows.

Monday, January 5, 2009

33 weeks

With the countdown now on - less than 50 days to go (approx) and only 3 more weeks of work I am starting to really feel bigger, slower and definitely more tired. It is much harder to manage being pregnant second time round with a toddler as well.

I am getting up a lot during the night and really finding it difficult to get comfortable - at work, at home, in bed, in the car - anywhere! My back is getting sore but fortunately I did get a preggie massage voucher for Christmas which I will put to good use.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First wash

IKEA is evil (but very, very cool)

There's a bookshelf in Genevieve's room that has no books in it. It is, however, full to overflowing with soft toys.

We were headed to IKEA to get Nanna a big bookshelf thing (the same as ours, except black), so we kept an eye out for something that would suit (hopefully more vertical than with a large footprint - if there's one thing this house does have, is a lot of vertical space).

Found the perfect replacement. Very cool. The little-one will be in with Genevieve once it graduates from our room, so we'll need to fit a cot and Genevieve's bed in there. Think it'll work. (OK... we hope it'll work).

Thursday, January 1, 2009