Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"So.... when was your due date again?"

It's really weird, where we are at, at the moment. Genevieve would be over a week old, if we were to compare pregnancies.
As much as we try not to, it's hard not to think that we've gone further than we expected to go. Similarly, with the 'guess date' (as we always call it, coz that's all it is)... Our guess date is coming up this weekend. I'm sure as it approaches, as much as it IS just a guess, we'll be getting excited/anxious (or for Naomi, increasingly over it ;) )

We got asked if we were 'overdue' last night. I understand it's part of the vernacular, and people are interested and well-meaning. But, I feel like I'm constantly questioning this whole 'due' thing. I don't harp on about it with people, (otherwise I'd be CONSTANTLY saying it), but... if a conversation goes for a few minutes I tend to throw in "...and of course, it really is just a guess based upon the average pregnancy..." at some point.(And of course, everybody nods and says "Of course", but then they'll just go back to discussing the 'due date'). Sheesh.

The thing is... if we do go beyond our guess date, provided there's still plenty of fluid and all is good and happy (OK, again, perhaps not Naomi), then going beyond that date is perfectly healthy/normal.

But... it's spicy Thai for dinner tonight. Naomi's doing a bit of walking and having another acupuncture session today. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling.

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