Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What's the male equivalent of being 'clucky'?

Jeez I hate that term. It just makes me cringe.

And when I see people do all the goo-goo gah-gah business... I dunno... I just don't see the need. The kid is cute. Congratulations. What's with all of the weird noises?

But I can see it, and I can feel my own version of this. After we were first expecting VV, I started looking out for pregnant bellies, and looking at kids. I thought this was like when you first buy a type of car, and then you notice all of those cars on the road (have there always been this many VW Golfs?) Instead, it's kids/bellies/Phil & Teds prams.

This time around, I'm a little more aware. And I'm still feeling it. Kids look cuter (OK... at least some of them). I noticed the child-care centre next door at work (looking down at it from the 10th floor, at the kids on the rooftop playground and I just got really excited - both at noticing, and at the prospect of being able to see the little heads running around on the green-rubberised faux path through grassy areas.

I was originally on here to watch the video of the scan (again, see below). And then, I'll probably go and watch the video of VV's reaction to watching the scan. Perhaps I should shoot some footage of me, watching VV's reaction to watching the scan...

So yeah... us guys go through it too - perhaps just a little differently.

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